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College Level Examination Program - Know The Process and Requirements

Earn credits for the knowledge you have gained through your experience before your academic learning.

What is CLEP: College Level Examination Program

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of examinations, which allow students to show their knowledge in a wide range of subjects. The purpose of CLEP is to provide a means for students to receive college credit for learning acquired outside the traditional college classroom.

All CLEP tests are offered by appointment. The student pays the $95.00 testing fee directly to CLEP. In addition, the student will pay a non-refundable administration fee of $35.50 to Blue Ridge CTC. If you have any questions regarding CLEP tests, please contact the Testing Center at 304-260-4380. You can also e-mail CLEP or go to

CLEP Testing at Blue Ridge CTC

Blue Ridge CTC proctors all CLEP Exams listed in the CLEP Brochure. CLEP exams are computer-based and each is 90 minutes long, with the exception of College Composition (120 min) and College Composition Modular (160 min) with essay. It is strongly recommended students study from a textbook used in a college level course related to the subject matter. Also, the CLEP study guide is helpful for taking practice tests. Blue Ridge CTC accepts ONLY the CLEP tests listed on the Blue Ridge CTC requirement sheet.

Dual Registration Information

  • Select a CLEP Exam. For assistance selected a CLEP exam, students should contact their academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office.
  • Pay for your CLEP Exam. The CLEP $95.00 testing fee is paid directly to CLEP through its official CLEP website and must be paid prior to the day of testing. Students create a user profile and pre-pay the $87.00 by credit or debit card for the exam.
  • Print Your Voucher. Once account creation is completed and the CLEP fee has been paid, students print a non-refundable testing voucher, valid for 6 months. Students MUST bring the printed CLEP Voucher Ticket to the Testing Center.
  • Register with Blue Ridge CTC. Students must schedule an appointment to take the CLEP exam at Blue Ridge CTC. Upon registration, students will pay a $35.30 nonrefundable administration fee.

Step 1: Schedule with CLEP

How To Schedule an Exam with Blue Ridge CTC

  • Click on the Schedule Testing link below.
  • Select your test from the group.
  • Choose your exam.
  • Select an exam date and time.
  • Enter your personal information.
  • Submit payment for any necessary fees. (Note: Testing fees vary based upon exam type)
  • Select the Ready to Checkout to confirm your test.

Step 2: Schedule at BRCTC


The CLEP program has a policy that states that exams may not be retaken within a three-month period. If the candidate retakes the exam during this period, the administration is considered invalid, the score is canceled, and exam fees are forfeited.

CLEP may waive this policy for exams retaken after a three-month period upon special written request from an institution.

For more information, contact CLEP Services at 1-800-257-9558 or

Testing Policies

– Current Photo Id required.

– CLEP Voucher for exam required to complete assessment.

– Food, beverages & weapons not permitted in the Testing Center.

– Electronic devices & personal items stored in lockers provided.

– Only the exam candidate is allowed in the Testing Center.

– No unsupervised children. Childcare not provided.

– Examinees may not remove notes from the Testing Center.

– Calculators permitted for specific exams only & subject to inspection.

– No talking permitted during testing.

– Acts of dishonesty reported.

Day of Exam Requirements

Please bring the following items on the day of the CLEP exam:

  • A current government-issued photo ID with signature
  • A valid registration ticket for each CLEP exam
  • Receipt of scheduled exam showing payment of the $30.00 administration fee to Blue Ridge CTC.

No one will be allowed to test without a valid acceptable photo ID, CLEP Voucher, or registration ticket, and the receipt for the Blue Ridge CTC proctoring fee. 

CLEP Procedures

  • CLEP exam credits are recorded as transfer credit with a CLEP Transcript on student’s transcript at the time the student enrolls at Blue Ridge CTC.
  • Official CLEP score reports must be sent to the Registrar’s Office. Students can request official score reports by contacting The College Board at
  • CLEP credit cannot be counted as part of the class load for financial aid purposes, or extracurricular scholarship eligibility.
  • The maximum CLEP hours recorded on a Blue Ridge CTC transcript is 12 credit hours.
  • Blue Ridge CTC has a list of recognized CLEP exams that it accepts for credit.  It is the student’s responsibility to verify with Registrar’s Office that the exam s/he takes will apply to his/her program of study.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to consult with an advisor prior to taking a CLEP exam.
  • Every institution establishes its own policies regarding CLEP.  If the student chooses to transfer to another institution, s/he should be aware of the CLEP requirement, minimum scores, and credit awarded for CLEP exams.
  • Credits are awarded for CLEP exams according to the policy in effect at the time of the CLEP transcript.
  • Students can take two CLEP exams on any given exam date.
  • Students may not repeat the same CLEP exam within three months of the initial testing date.
  • CLEP has a standard passing score of 50 in all exams except in the foreign language exams.
  • All CLEP testing is computer-based.  Students will receive unofficial CLEP transcript upon completion of the exam. (Exceptions: College Composition with essay and College Composition Modular with essay.)
  • Blue Ridge CTC reserves the right to revise this policy without notice.


Registering for a CLEP Exam

CLEP Information for the Test Taker’s Booklet

Free Online CLEP Prep Courses



All test results are immediate except for the exams which require an essay. (These test scores will take approximately 3-4 weeks to receive as CLEP grades the essay.)

Blue Ridge CTC recognizes the following CLEP examinations:

Examination Title Minimum Score Required Credit Awarded BRCTC Course Satisfied
Composition and Literature
American Literature 50 6 hours ENGL 204, ENGL 199
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 50 3 hours ENGL 210
College Composition Modular without Essay 50 3 Hours ENGL 101
College Composition – English Composition with Essay 50 6 Hours ENGL 101 and ENGL 102
Foreign Languages
College French, Level 1 50 6 hours LANG 121
College French, Level 2 59 9 hours LANG 122
College Spanish, Level 1 50 6 hours LANG 111
College Spanish, Level 2 63 9 hours LANG 112
College German, Level 1 50 6 hours LANG 151
College German, Level 2 60 9 hours LANG 299
Science and Math
Biology 50 6 hours CAHS 101 & CAHS 102
Chemistry 50 6 hours CAHS 128 & CAHS 199
Natural Sciences 50 6 hours CAHS 103 & CAHS 104
College Mathematics 50 3 hours MATH 101
College Algebra 50 3 hours MATH 105
Pre Calculus 50 3 hours MATH 108
Calculus 50 6 hours MATH 207 & MATH 199
History and Social Sciences
American Government 50 3 hours PSCI 101
History of the United States I 50 3 hours HIST 201
Early Colonization to 1877
History of the United States II 50 3 hours HIST 202
1865 to the Present
Human Growth and Development 50 3 hours CAHS 201
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 hours EDUC 220
Introduction to Psychology 50 3 hours PSYC 203
Introduction to Sociology 50 3 hours SOCI 203
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 3 hours ECON 205
Principles of Microeconomics 50 3 hours ECON 206
Western Civilization I 50 3 hours HIST 101
Western Civilization II 50 3 hours HIST 102
Financial Accounting 50 3 hours ACCT 201
Information System 50 3 hours CAS 111
Introductory Business Law 50 3 hours LGST 212
Principles of Management 50 3 hours BUSN 218
Principles of Marketing 50 3 hours BUSN 210

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