Frequently Asked Questions

Where may I find transfer information on the four-year universities/colleges I may be interested in transferring to?

You may view the articulated courses between Blue Ridge CTC and individual four-year universities/colleges such as:

Shepherd University TES

Shenandoah University TES

West Virginia University TES

West Virginia University – Parkersburg TES

University of Maryland Global Campus

University of Maryland Baltimore College

How are current articulation agreements between Blue Ridge CTC and four-year transfer universities/colleges disclosed to students?

  • Listing all of the current articulation agreements on the “Transfer-Articulation” webpage under “Current Students”;
  • Promoting newly-finalized articulation agreements through press releases to local newspapers and college publications;
  • Providing finalized copies of articulation agreements to Enrollment Management for student inquiries;
  • Providing finalized copies of articulation agreements to program coordinators (involved in articulation completion) for effective academic advisement;
  • Providing finalized copies of articulation agreements on file as students inquire via email and/or phone; and
  • Providing marketing materials; i.e., brochures, flyers, postcards, etc., from transfer universities/colleges for Blue Ridge CTC students.

Does Blue Ridge CTC have a set of procedures to follow in establishing articulation agreements?

  • Program coordinators/faculty seek out articulations with four-year universities/colleges as part of their duties and/or performance goals and reach out to the individual transfer universities/colleges or request this through the academic program specialist.
  • Individual four-year universities/colleges also contact the program coordinators/faculty and/or the academic program specialist with inquiries for articulation.
  • The academic program specialist ensures each transfer university/college has proper accreditations and approvals before the discussion begins for the creation of an articulation agreement.
  • The program coordinators/faculty and the academic program specialist follow an articulation checklist to begin the creation of an articulation agreement.
  • The TES (Transfer Evaluation System) with participating universities/colleges may be used to evaluate course-by-course articulation.
  • An articulation process chart is followed with back-and-forth discussion and review.
  • An articulation template is used to develop the articulation agreement; a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and an exhibit file, displaying individual articulated courses, which include the following:
    • Title/Purpose/Elements of the Agreement
    • Blue Ridge CTC will…
    • University will…
    • Amendments
    • Eligibility (GPA, etc.)
    • Effective Date, Review, and Termination
    • Contact Information
    • Signature Lines (for Both Parties) to include Name/Title/University Name/Date
  • Regular reviews of each articulation agreement are conducted by the academic program specialist to identify special terms of each agreement to include tuition waivers, textbook discounts, etc.
  • Regular reviews are conducted to ensure deadlines for re-examinations of agreements are met.
  • Individual articulation agreements include cancellation clauses if needed.

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