Faculty and Employee Information

State Series 51 Policy On Bookstores and Textbooks

Administrative Procedure for Bookstores and Textbooks (pdf)

State House Bill 4355 Policy

House Bill 4355

The House Bill 4355 describes that faculty are encouraged to consider certain information when they select course materials, e.g.,:

  • specific mechanisms to minimize the costs to students for textbooks and course materials to include low-cost textbook options and Open Educational Resources (OER) textbook options free or at low cost
  • encourage the use of textbooks that have low cost alternative editions available
  • encourage the use of various technology innovations for the provision of textbooks and course materials such as electronic textbooks, online textbooks, and print on-demand services
  • encourage the selection of textbooks it is believed will not be revised by the publisher within the next three years

Textbook Adoption Information

Follett provides textbook adoption services for faculty through its Follett Discover system. To request Follett concierge access for your specific program areas, please email K.Keene@follett.com or 2078mgr@follett.com.

For specific guidance and training on the Follett Discover textbook adoption system, please view the Follett Discover for Faculty video, or contact K.Keene@follett.com or 2078mgr@follett.com

Textbook Adoption Deadlines

To adhere to the State Series 51 policy, specific deadlines are set for faculty to complete the textbook adoptions:

  • For the summer semester, the deadline is a date designated in mid-March;
  • For the fall semester, the deadline is a date designated in mid-March; and
  • For the spring semester, the deadline is a date designated in mid-October.

Once course schedules are posted, Follett quickly begins preparing the textbook adoptions that are completed by faculty. It is important for faculty to follow up and double check their textbook and course material adoptions to ensure accuracy for the respective semesters. It is also important for the accuracy check to be completed in the eyes or perceptions of the students, reviewing the Follett Web Page – Blue Ridge CTC Website and its textbook/course material listings for students purchasing the required and recommended products.

Immediate Textbook/Course Material Access

Follett ACCESS

Follett ACCESS is a powerful program that enables colleges to deliver all course materials (textbooks, courseware, lab kits, supplies, etc.) as part of tuition or course charges. With Follett ACCESS, all students have what they need on the first day of class, stress-free, affordably, and effortlessly.

To learn more about the Follett ACCESS program, view the available links and videos here:

Textbook Affordability Committee Activities

A textbook affordability committee comprised of Blue Ridge CTC faculty, the registrar, a finance staff member, and the Follett bookstore manager and regional manager meet biannually to discuss issues concerning the affordability of textbooks and course materials for students.

March 2023 Minutes

Textbook Processes Reference Guide

A textbook processes reference guide, developed by the bookstore liaison, provides valuable information regarding:

  • The state’s Administrative Procedure for Bookstores and Textbooks;
  • The state Series 51 New Textbook Selection form (Appendix A);
  • The Additional Materials Selection with Book List form;
  • Textbook Selection/Adoptions Deadlines;
  • Student Information:
    • Textbook/bookstore orders
    • Textbook online selection and purchases from the student BRIDGE account
    • Textbook online selection and purchases from the Blue Ridge CTC website

Textbook Processes

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