
Student Spotlight – Zorayah Jackson

What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Software Development Engineering


Why did you select your program?

I selected my program because I’ve found coding interesting since I was in 6th grade. It was a little bit of a journey picking it up though, so I didn’t really get into it fully until 11th grade. Coding to me, is like a puzzle. You have a problem you need to solve and you create the code to solve that problem, and usually there’s not only one answer, so it allows for you to think so many different ways. I also found that for me it’s a great mix of creative and analytical thinking.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

One thing I enjoyed about my time at Blue Ridge was the professors. The way college is talked about in high school, it really scares you, well at least it scared me. They made it seem like your professors were just there to teach and they would not care whether you passed or failed. I found that my professors were so kind and understanding. It was really hard for me to grasp that I had to actually create time outside of class to do my work, instead of doing it during class like I did in high-school. Thankfully, my professors were understanding and gave me grace during the times where I could not push myself enough.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

My current goals after a graduate are to become a front-end web developer, because those are the jobs that I’m seeing right now and it’s what I started with, so it has a special place in my heart. But long-term, or on the side, I would also really love to become an educational game developer. I feel like whenever education was gamified in school, I picked up on things soo much faster. It was so much more immersive to me because it didn’t feel like I was learning. I also think it can provide a different avenue of learning for different learning styles. What works for one person, might not work for another, I think having different teaching methods is important, which I hope my educational games can provide. I would love to create educational games that can provide the same experience I enjoyed, specifically in either web games or VR.

Blue Ridge has assisted me in these goals by first, providing me the education to be able to do these things, but also connecting me with the right opportunities to be able to practice my skills in the workplace. I was able to get an amazing internship by the networking skills taught and events held by Blue Ridge and the First2 Network. I feel like educational games is a really niche area in tech and especially in WV, so when I saw this internship opportunity it just blew my mind. That’s why I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do my current internship, it’s giving me great experience. I’m glad I was expected to complete an internship to complete my degree here because by myself, I’m not sure I would have thought completing an internship was as important as it’s proved to be.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

First, I would say learn how to manage your time. What’s different between high school and college is that in high school you go to your classes everyday, so you have time to do your work in class and any questions you have you can ask right then or the next day. In college, you go to class once, maybe twice a week. So it’s so important to find time to do you work and give yourself more time than you think you’ll need. Then, if you don’t end up using all the time you allotted, you have more free-time, but allotting yourself that time gives you that leeway. It’s definitely easier said than done, because it took me all four semesters to somewhat put that into use. Second, take advantage of the different grants. Those were also extremely helpful in my college career and alleviated financial stress. Finally, if you can, it’s great to try and attend some campus events. It helps you create connections and you’re way less intimidated by faculty and asking for help with things.



Student Spotlight – Ellen Petersen

What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Criminal Justice


Why did you select your program?

My whole life I was raised around police officers or people in the criminal justice field. I was also a competitive gymnast for most of my life so I have always enjoyed working hard for the things I want. I have wanted to work in this field for as long as I can remember. Helping people is the most important thing to me, and with this program of study, I will be able to do that and more.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

All of the staff was overall super supportive, and there were great class options that kept things fun.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

My goal is to get my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Shepherd University. Blue Ridge has allowed me to work toward that goal with their affordable program options and the credit transfer system was super smooth.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

Don’t be afraid to ask your advisor, teachers, or even peers questions. They want you to reach your goals just as much as you want to reach them.


Is there anything else you want us to know?

I am super thankful for my advisor Megan Anderson. She was amazing and super helpful. She always made sure to explain everything thoroughly and answered all my questions promptly. She was always super kind to me and I am so very thankful for her.


Student Spotlight – Robert Leopardi



What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry


Why did you select your program?

I started exploring new foods a few years ago and I wanted to learn how to produce some of those dishes.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

I have really enjoyed learning how to bake. I never would have thought that I would enjoy it as much as I do. I have learned from some exceptional chefs and met some great people throughout these courses.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

After graduation, I plan on continuing to learn and grow in the Culinary and Baking Industries and pass along my passion to future students as an instructor at Blue Ridge.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

Be prepared for long days in the lab and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!


Is there anything else you want us to know?

You’re going to get what you put into this program, so show up every day with a positive attitude and be ready to give it your best. It is a challenging course, but it’s very rewarding and a lot of fun!


Student Spotlight – Vanessa Gonzalez-Mercado


What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry


Why did you select your program?

Over the course of the Pandemic I rediscovered my love for cooking and baking so when I was looking into going back to school, it felt right to follow what I enjoy doing.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

I’ve had so many amazing opportunities to work with amazing chefs in many very cool kitchens through events the program partners with.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

I hope to use this degree to help me travel, people everywhere love to eat right? Having this degree helps show my dedication to this field.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

Take advantage of the resources provided by your program, this includes your classmates. Everyone’s in this together working towards the graduation finish line, it’s easier with friends.



Student Spotlight – Ezekiel Hall


What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Software Development Engineering


Why did you select your program?

I have always had a fascination with computers since I was first introduced to them in school. I was amazed by the things you could do with them and quickly fell in love with messing around with them. I was unsure what to do with my future, but after talking with family and friends, I was encouraged to give college a try; since I had self-studied programming, earning a Programming with Python certificate from Harvard’s online certificate program, I figured it would be fun to give Software Development a chance.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

I really enjoy the entire community surrounding Blue Ridge CTC. I have always found it relatively hard to fit in or find people that I really connect with, but since my first day of college, I have been making friends and meeting many people who share my interests, including the instructors here. It is really a place where I feel welcome and able to grow with all the support from everyone.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

In recent years, I have been deeply fascinated by machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. I would have never expected to develop these kinds of algorithms, especially for something I would truly enjoy. But with that said, after joining the SPACE Team at Blue Ridge, I have been leading the software development for an instrument that will be sent into space! This very project will use a model created using reinforced learning, a form of machine learning, to help us parse and understand all the data we collect. With the knowledge I am learning here, I hope to pursue higher education on this very topic.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

My advice for any student, current or in the future, would be not to be afraid to talk to people and ask for help. When first starting here, I joined a project that was making a virtual reality tour of the Technology Center. During the couple of months I helped with this project, I went around taking pictures and measurements of various objects and rooms. While I did this, I got to meet a lot of the faculty and other students outside of my major that I was able to talk to, and eventually led to meeting Alberto Torres, a current instructor, who introduced me to the SPACE Team. What I’m trying to get at is that none of what I am doing today would be possible if I didn’t step outside my comfort zone to talk to these incredible people that I can now call my friends today, and I would implore you to do the same.


Is there anything else you want us to know?

I am the Vice President and Lead Software Developer of the SPACE Team as well as the Treasurer for the STEM Club. In the SPACE Team I develop software that is used in a project that is part of NASA’s RockSat-X program. This has allowed me to experience working on a real, high-stake mission where every part of the project must work flawlessly to get the results you want. This year (2024), our project will be launched ~170km (about 105.63 mi) off the surface of Earth, and its primary goal is to capture spectrometric data from the Sun using an autonomous gimbal and spectrometer. I am greatly honored to be able to share my story about Blue Ridge and thank you all for your consideration.


Student Spotlight – Chelsea M. Garcia


What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Human Services


Why did you select your program?

I am passionate about serving our community by educating, advocating and empowering those looking to obtain a better quality of life.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

My professors have been invested in my success at BlueRidge CTC since the beginning. I am very appreciative of the guidance and time they’ve given me.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

I am looking forward to transferring to Shepard University to obtain my degree in Social Work. My ultimate goal is to open a Re-Entry program and facilitate a mentorship program between adults and our youth population. My professors at BlueRidge have been very active in my success as a student. Through my internship program I was able to obtain a career at the Jefferson Day Report Center to gain experience for my future career goals.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

Utilize your professors, advisors and counselors. They are a wealth of knowledge and care about getting you set up for success.


Is there anything else you want us to know?

I am a mom of 3 and having the flexibility to be a mom and get an education has been such a blessing. BlueRidge staff has been wonderful to work with and I couldn’t be more grateful. The connections I’ve made here at BRCTC has and will change my life forever. Thank you!


Student Spotlight – Emma Cote


What major are you studying at Blue Ridge CTC?

Open Transfer Liberal Arts


Why did you select your program?

I selected the Liberal Arts program because I knew it would give me not only the mobility to take classes that encompassed my academic interests but also give me the foothold to build my transcript and resume as I applied for a 4-year institution. It allowed me to handpick the classes I knew I’d need to transfer while still working towards an actual degree here at the same time!


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

The major thing I enjoyed in my time at Blue Ridge would have to be my professors and supporting faculty. They’ve provided me with some of the best support I could have asked for, pushing me to excel and fueling my interests within our subjects. I wouldn’t be where I am now without their support and excellent instruction, especially in subjects I lacked in from High School.


What are your current goals after you graduate, and how has Blue Ridge assisted you toward those goals?

I graduate with my Associate’s degree after this Summer semester, and after that, I’ll actually be transferring out overseas to finish my Bachelor’s degree in the Czech Republic! It’s always been a big dream of mine to travel, and a really beneficial thing I’ll be taking away from here is that my transferring school- even being abroad- will accept my Blue Ridge credits, so I speculate I’ll only need 2 more years to finish out my full Bachelors. I’ll be completing a degree in Curatorial studies with the hopes of continuing to grad school to do either museum-based conservation work or research historian/archival work! The ability to transfer was a huge perk to saving money, as well as staying close to home while I did a big chunk of my program. Working closely with supporting faculty really helped make this happen as well, from helping with my resume to providing academic references.


What advice would you offer to current and future students? 

Aim high! Academics and academia are difficult things right now, let’s not deny it, but perseverance and confident goals for yourself can get you a long way. I had extremely poor grades in High School and struggled a lot to really care about school whatsoever if I’m being honest. But decisively finding a passion and sticking to it has gotten me really far in my college years, and I’ve vastly improved the quality of my own work simply by setting really determined aims for myself. But still, be gentle with yourself! Stuff happens, life gets in the way, and burning out is something I do a bit too often to myself when I get caught up in it all. Be aware of the people around you who can offer support, both here at the school as well as in your own life.


Student Spotlight – Riley Betterelli


What major did you complete at Blue Ridge CTC?

Liberal Arts


Tell us what you are doing now. Are you working? If so, what do you do? Are you continuing your studies? If so, where are you a student and what is your major?

I’m currently working a part-time job at Office Depot. I do plan on continuing my studies at Shepherd University to achieve a Bachelor’s Degree.


Have you done anything noteworthy with your degree that you wish to highlight? If so, explain it here.

I haven’t been able to use my degree yet.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

The people. The people are so kind. The professors are very understanding, especially when it comes to online classes.


Is there anything else you want us to know?

I’ve been at Blue Ridge CTC since my senior year in Highschool. I was apart of the jumpstart program. It was the best decision I could have ever made. It has given me a massive head start when it comes to my career and education.


Student Spotlight – Angela Defendini

What major did you complete at Blue Ridge CTC?

Liberal Arts


Tell us what you are doing now. Are you working? If so, what do you do? Are you continuing your studies? If so, where are you a student and what is your major?

I will continue my education at Shepherd University, pursuing a B.A in History and minor in Spanish. I plan to further my education and become a librarian/archivist and translator/interpreter. I have been volunteering at the Shepherdstown Library for nearly a year and am learning a lot. I am also a writer, so I will continue freelance writing.


Have you done anything noteworthy with your degree that you wish to highlight? If so, explain it here.

So far, I have written stories for two video games published on Github and, and am currently working on the third.


Explain one thing you enjoyed about your time at Blue Ridge CTC.

I enjoyed my professors a lot. Particularly Professor Bass and Professor Ralston.


Is there anything else you want us to know?

As a student in their 40’s, returning to college was a little intimidating. But the experience was very pleasant and I appreciated how much care and attention I received from my advisor. I learned a lot about myself and stretched myself to grow in unexpected ways.